Collection: DIAMONDS

Diamonds are among nature’s most precious and beautiful creations.

Diamond’s characteristic chemical composition and crystal structure make it a unique member of the mineral kingdom.

Diamond is the only gem made of a single element: It is typically about 99.95 percent carbon. The other 0.05 percent can include one or more trace elements, which are atoms that aren’t part of the diamond’s essential chemistry. Some trace elements can influence its colour or crystal shape.

Diamond forms under high temperature and pressure conditions that exist only about 100 miles beneath the earth’s surface. Diamond’s carbon atoms are bonded in essentially the same way in all directions.

Diamonds are the hardest material on earth, in fact they are 58 times harder than anything else found in nature.

Diamonds are available in many colours, such as White, Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Grey, Brown & Black.

Diamond is the Birthstone for the month of April.